Pastor James J. Barker

Text: LUKE 1:46-55


  1. It soon will be Christmas time. I know you are practicing for your Christmas presentation. And I know you are all looking forward to enjoying your Christmas vacation.
  2. There are many wonderful things that I like about Christmas. I love the old Christmas carols. And I love to preach the Christmas story.
  3. Today I would like to bring out key themes found in the Christmas story.


I. HUMILITY – particularly as seen in the life of Mary (Luke 1:46-55).

    1. Let us remember that God chose a humble Jewish girl to be the mother of our Saviour (Luke 1:46-55).
    2. God "hath scattereth the proud" (1:51).
    3. God hates pride (Prov.6:16,17; 8:13; 16:5,18,19; 21:4; 28:25; 29:23; James 4:6; I Peter 5:5).
    4. Pride destroys people and pride can destroy a church. God wants His children to be humble. Mary was humble.


II. THOUGHTFULNESS – particularly as seen in the life of Joseph (Matt.1:19).

    1. We do not know a whole lot about Joseph. We do not see much about him in the Bible but what we do see is instructive. Remember, God chose him also.
    2. Joseph was a man of God. The Bible says he was "a just (righteous) man" (Matt.1:19).
    3. Joseph was a very thoughtful man. He loved Mary and was looking out for her. According to the law of that day Mary could have been stoned to death.
    4. But the Bible says that Joseph was "not willing to make her a public example" and he "was minded to put her away privily" (1:19).
    5. Joseph was a thoughtful man. God wants you and me to be thoughtful. We should be looking out for others – our classmates, our teachers, visitors at church, fellow church members, unsaved friends and neighbors, family members, etc.
    6. This Christmas-time, remember to be thoughtful like Joseph (cf. Matt.7:12).


III. PRAISE – particularly as seen in the life of Zacharias (Luke 1:64).

    1. We see men and angels praising God all throughout the Christmas story.
  • John the Baptist (Luke 1:41,44).
  • Mary (Luke 1:46,47).
  • Elisabeth and her neighbors and cousins (Luke 1:57,58).
  • The angelic host (Luke 2:13,14).
  • The shepherds (Luke 2:20).
  • Simeon (Luke 2:28).
  • Anna (Luke 2:36-38).
  • The wise men (Matt.2:11).
    1. But today I want for us to look again at Zacharias, the high priest, the father of John the Baptist.
    2. Zacharias and his wife Elisabeth are both described as "righteous" and "blameless" (Luke 1:6).
    3. But even though Zacharias was a man of faith, he doubted God and God shut his mouth (Luke 1:18-20).
    4. But as soon as his mouth was opened he "immediately" began to praise God (Luke 1:64).
  • Fear came on all the people (1:65).
  • Zacharias was filled with the Holy Spirit (1:67).
  • He gave thanks to God (1:68ff). We have much to be thankful for this Christmas.
  • He acknowledged that Jesus was the Lord (1:76).
  • He prophesied of salvation and remission of sins (1:77).


Let us follow the good example set by Zacharias, Joseph, and Mary.

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