Pastor James J. Barker
Text: LUKE 1:46-55
- It soon will be Christmas time. I know you are practicing for your Christmas presentation. And I know you are all looking forward to enjoying your Christmas vacation.
- There are many wonderful things that I like about Christmas. I love the old Christmas carols. And I love to preach the Christmas story.
- Today I would like to bring out key themes found in the Christmas story.
HUMILITY – particularly as seen in the life of Mary (Luke 1:46-55).
- Let us remember that God chose a humble Jewish girl to be the mother of our Saviour (Luke 1:46-55).
- God "hath scattereth the proud" (1:51).
- God hates pride (Prov.6:16,17; 8:13; 16:5,18,19; 21:4; 28:25; 29:23; James 4:6; I Peter 5:5).
- Pride destroys people and pride can destroy a church. God wants His children to be humble. Mary was humble.
THOUGHTFULNESS – particularly as seen in the life of Joseph (Matt.1:19).
- We do not know a whole lot about Joseph. We do not see much about him in the Bible but what we do see is instructive. Remember, God chose him also.
- Joseph was a man of God. The Bible says he was "a just (righteous) man" (Matt.1:19).
- Joseph was a very thoughtful man. He loved Mary and was looking out for her. According to the law of that day Mary could have been stoned to death.
- But the Bible says that Joseph was "not willing to make her a public example" and he "was minded to put her away privily" (1:19).
- Joseph was a thoughtful man. God wants you and me to be thoughtful. We should be looking out for others – our classmates, our teachers, visitors at church, fellow church members, unsaved friends and neighbors, family members, etc.
- This Christmas-time, remember to be thoughtful like Joseph (cf. Matt.7:12).
PRAISE – particularly as seen in the life of Zacharias (Luke 1:64).
- We see men and angels praising God all throughout the Christmas story.
- John the Baptist (Luke 1:41,44).
- Mary (Luke 1:46,47).
- Elisabeth and her neighbors and cousins (Luke 1:57,58).
- The angelic host (Luke 2:13,14).
- The shepherds (Luke 2:20).
- Simeon (Luke 2:28).
- Anna (Luke 2:36-38).
- The wise men (Matt.2:11).
- But today I want for us to look again at Zacharias, the high priest, the father of John the Baptist.
- Zacharias and his wife Elisabeth are both described as "righteous" and "blameless" (Luke 1:6).
- But even though Zacharias was a man of faith, he doubted God and God shut his mouth (Luke 1:18-20).
- But as soon as his mouth was opened he "immediately" began to praise God (Luke 1:64).
- Fear came on all the people (1:65).
- Zacharias was filled with the Holy Spirit (1:67).
- He gave thanks to God (1:68ff). We have much to be thankful for this Christmas.
- He acknowledged that Jesus was the Lord (1:76).
- He prophesied of salvation and remission of sins (1:77).
Let us follow the good example set by Zacharias, Joseph, and Mary.