Pastor James J. Barker

Text: PSALMS 101:3


  1. As Christians we need to be very careful what we set before our eyes.
  2. Too many Christians spend far too much time sitting in front of the television set.
  3. A.C. Nielsen Company data show that the average American child watches about 28 hours of TV a week (that averages to 4 hours a day!)
  4. This is one of the reasons why most children are doing so poorly in school. They are so used to being mesmerized by the "boob tube" that they cannot sit still long enough to learn their lessons. They cannot focus, and they cannot follow simple instructions.
  5. They are hyper-active. They cannot concentrate. They cannot think analytically. Therefore, they cannot think for themselves and they cannot learn.
  6. Statistics tell us that the average child has watched 15,000 murders on TV by the time he is a teenager! Also, he has watched countless immoral acts as well. This constant bombardment of filth and violence makes them insensitive to sin.
  7. Even though the Bible was written thousands of years before the discovery of television, I think that this Scripture definitely applies to TV and Hollywood movies. Perhaps it is a prophecy about TV and movies!



    1. There are many things wrong with the television. One major problem I have with it is that people who spend a lot of time watching television are wasting precious time – time that could be better spent going to church, reading the Bible, soulwinning, praying, etc. (cf. Eph.5:16).
    2. The 23rd Channel

The TV set is my shepherd,

My spiritual growth shall want.

It maketh me to sit down and do nothing for His name’s sake,

because it requireth all my spare time.

It keepeth me from doing my duty as a Christian, because it presenteth so many good shows that I must see.

It restoreth my knowledge of the things of the world, and keepeth me from the study of God’s Word.

It leadeth me in the paths of failing to attend the evening worship services, and doing nothing in the Kingdom of God.

Yea, though I live to be a hundred, I shall keep on viewing my TV as long as it will work, for it is my closest companion.

Its sounds and its picture, they comfort me.

It presenteth entertainment before me, and keepeth me from doing important things with my family.

It fills my head with ideas which differ from those set forth in the Word of God.

Surely, no good thing will come of my life, because my TV offereth me no good time to do the will of God; thus I will dwell in the place of the Devil and his angels forever.

    1. David said that he would "set no wicked thing" before his eyes (Ps. 101:3). Spurgeon wrote: "I will neither delight in it, aim at it or endure it. If I have wickedness brought before me by others I will turn away from it, I will not gaze upon it with pleasure. The Psalmist is very sweeping in his resolve, he declines the least, the most reputable, the most customary form of evil – no wicked thing; not only shall it not dwell in his heart, but not even before his eyes, for what fascinates the eye is very apt to gain admission into the heart."
    2. Television is filled with wickedness – adultery, fornication, perversions, and all sorts of vile filth is pumped out all day and all night into millions of television sets all across America.
    3. In Europe, they allow the most disgusting pornography on TV. It is only a matter of time before it gets to that point in America. I read that there are more households in England that have televisions than bathtubs. Think about it – dirty, grimy TV viewers watching dirty, grimy TV shows, filling their dirty, grimy minds with dirty, grimy ideas and pictures.
    4. Christians need to make up their mind that they are going to keep the TV set off unless something clean and wholesome is on (which is getting extremely rare these days).



    1. Unless we move way up into the mountains or out into the desert, it is inevitable that we are going to be exposed to sin.
    2. For example, all one has to do is glance at a newspaper and he or she is going to see something sordid or something perverted, and many things that are unscriptural.
    3. However, we should not seek after sin. To knowingly watch a dirty movie or a dirty TV show is seeking after sin. Some people say: "Once they start using bad words, I’ll turn it off." Brother, by that time it is too late. Those dirty words have already entered into your ears and they are now locked into your mind. Your mind is like a computer that stores things for a long time.
    4. Some people say: "Once they start doing immoral things, I’ll turn it off." Brother, by then it is too late. The dirty images are already locked into your mind. Your eyes are like a camera that stores pictures (both good and evil) for a long time.
    5. I will not elaborate on this – perhaps at a later time.



    1. Adults are being molded by what they see on TV. But it is particularly damaging to young children, those who do not have the discernment to realize that they are being manipulated and controlled and even brainwashed.
    2. If you think I am exaggerating, watch the reaction of a small child when a commercial for toys comes on. He will inevitably say: "I want that!"
    3. Just think about the billions of dollars that are spent on TV advertising. Obviously, these big corporations would not be spending that kind of money unless they were convinced that people are influenced by what they see on TV.
    4. Unfortunately, most adults lack discernment (even those who profess to be saved). Therefore, they are being controlled by the TV set, whether they admit it or not.
    5. For the unsaved, TV will keep them from ever getting right with God. As for the saved, TV will drain their spiritual strength. They will have little interest in Bible reading; no interest in Bible memorization; little or no interest in prayer meeting or soulwinning, etc.
    6. Little by little, TV transforms them into weak, useless, worldly, good-for-nothing, carnal Christians – so backslidden that one wonders whether or not they have ever been truly converted.
    7. According to TV and movies, it is good to drink, smoke, curse, use God’s name in vain, indulge in immorality, etc. People dress immodestly on TV. Many of the women look like tramps.
    8. When was the last time you saw a family on TV having family altar or going to church? When was the last time you heard the Bible quoted on TV?
    9. This relentless assault on Christian values, this vicious anti-God, anti-Bible, anti-Christian agenda, this filthy, degenerate, immoral wickedness eventually takes its toll.
    10. The young person who has watched enough of this dirty slop has been programmed by the devil. He or she has now given a foothold to the devil. The Bible says: "Neither give place to the devil" (Eph.4:27).
    11. Let’s go back to Ps.101:3 – "it shall not cleave to me." Spurgeon said: "I will disown their ways, I will not imitate their policy: like dirt it may fall upon me, but I will wash it off, and never rest till I am rid of it. Sin, like pitch, is very apt to stick."


On the table side by side;
The Holy Bible and the TV Guide.
One is well-worn but cherished with pride –
No, not the Bible – the TV Guide!
One is used daily to help them decide –
No! It isn’t the Bible; it’s the TV Guide.
As pages are turned, what shall we see?
Oh, what does it matter? Turn on the TV.
Confusion reigns; they can’t all agree
On what they watch on the old TV.
So they open the book in which they confide –
No, not the Bible, it’s the TV Guide.
The Word of God seldom is read,
Maybe a verse as they fall into bed,
Exhausted and sleepy and tired as can be –
Not from reading the Bible; from watching TV.
So, then back to the table, side by side,
The Holy Bible and the TV Guide.
No time for prayer, no time for the Word;
The plan of salvation seldom is heard.
Salvation for all, so full and so free, Is found in the Bible, not on TV!

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